Poster Board

  • Message ID: #19
  • Subject: Letter from an Ivy League Professor (August 20, 1918)
  • email (Manager only)
  • Date: 2018-08-28
  • This message is referenced by #20, #23,
    Dear Dr. Woo,
    RE:  Hiramoto v. Goddard College 
    I wrote to you previously (#15) about racist Asian stereotypes that the all-white evaluation committee wrote for my evaluation. I was a 50% FTE faculty member in the MFA-Interdisciplinary Arts Program at Goddard College in Vermont.
    I also want to write that I was overworked and testified that I was treated like a nanny, maid, slave and colonized person.  The chair told me to write a summary of every book and artist I recommended to students, and admitted that she did not require this of other faculty or even of herself.  Everyone else, including the chairs, wrote chatty, anecdotal responses to student reports.
    The chair alleged that three students complained about me.  However, two of the students wrote written apologies.  In the third case, I was reprimanded by one chair for following the instructions of the other chair.  During deposition, these chairs admitted they had no idea what was going on with these students.
    The only faculty in the entire college who were dismissed for alleged student complaints was another faculty of Japanese ancestry and me by the same chair. This was a college where administrators, faculty, and students made racist comments about minorities.
    The chair wrote that students did not want to work with me.  After analyzing their data, I confirmed that many students requested me, but the chairs assigned them to other faculty against their wishes.  Instead I was assigned more than my share of new and at-risk students who needed a lot of extra assistance.
    The college rushed a new evaluation process without explanation or ratification from the faculty because the chair specifically wrote she wanted to evaluate me although I had another year left of my contract.  The chair wrote ten pages of lies and did not give me the opportunity to correct those errors.  I was dismissed by the chief academic officer the next business day.  No one did any investigation.
    The three perpetrators were evaluated on an absurdly low standard by the chair.  For the record, here is how their resumes compare to mine.  And the college claimed that I was unqualified.
    Name		Solo  	Group	Awards 		Artist’s		Teaching Experience	
    		      Shows	        Shows			Bibliography	         (Selected top 3)
    Hiramoto	      19	        259	        27		201		                 Univ. of CA. Berkeley
    								                                         Univ. of CA. Santa Cruz
    								                                         SF Art Institute
    Eaton none 50 none 22 St. John Fisher College
    								                                        Empire State College
    								                                        State Univ. of NY
    Hocking	none	                 8	         3        	2		                Brown Univ.
    								                                        Rhode Island Sch. of Design
    								                                        Harvard Univ.
    Lin		none  	        37	         3		3		                Evergreen College
    								                                        Johnson & Wales College
    	Goddard College is another plantation system to exploit Japanese-Americans. 
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