Sharing your Netflix account

A Netflix account is meant to be shared in one household (people who live in the same location with the account owner).

Who can use a Netflix account

Anyone in your household (those who live with you at your primary location) can use your Netflix account. 

To ensure that your devices are associated with your primary location, connect to the Wi-Fi at your primary location, open the Netflix app or website, and watch something at least once every 31 days.

Share Netflix with someone who doesn’t live with you

People who aren't part of your household will need to use their own account to watch Netflix. Devices that are not part of your primary location may be blocked from watching Netflix.

It's easy to sign up for Netflix and we offer a variety of plans. As always, members can change plans or cancel at any time.

Netflix will not automatically charge you if you share your account with someone who doesn’t live with you.

Unblock a device (outside of primary location)

When someone signs into your account from a device that is not part of your primary location, that device may be blocked from watching Netflix.

If your device has been blocked, you have the following options:

  • If you are traveling, request a temporary code to give you access to Netflix for 7 consecutive days.

  • If you are not part of the account owner’s household, sign up for a new Netflix account.

When starting a new account or adding an extra member, members can transfer a profile from an existing account, including recommendations, viewing history, My List, saved games, settings, and more.

If someone is using your account without your permission, we recommend you review recently active devices for your account and sign out of any unfamiliar devices. You should also reset your password immediately.

If you need help, please contact us.

Stop device blocks

To ensure uninterrupted access to Netflix, connect to the Wi-Fi at your primary location, open the Netflix app or website, and watch something at least once every 31 days. This creates a trusted device so you can watch Netflix, even when you’re away from your primary location. 

As a reminder, it's easy to sign up for Netflix and we offer a variety of plans. As always, members can change plans or cancel at any time.

Watch Netflix while traveling or from a different location

If you are traveling or live between different places, you can continue to enjoy Netflix.

If you are away from your primary location for an extended period of time, your device may be blocked from watching Netflix. You can request a temporary access code to continue watching. 

How Netflix detects devices within a primary location

We use information such as IP addresses, device IDs, and account activity to determine whether a device signed into your account is connected to your primary location.

How many devices can watch at the same time

Each plan determines how many devices can play Netflix at the same time, as long as those devices belong to people in the same household. Please refer to our plans and pricing for details.

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