Chatham Middle School Brick Program

The Chatham Middle School Reading Garden gives students and faculty an accessible outdoor space to read, gather and think. Newly renovated in the Spring of 2019 with new furniture, paved patio and landscaping, it is located off the Library Media Center. This interior courtyard gets lots of sun and provides additional space to our amazing Library, one of the most utilized general spaces at CMS.

Your engraved brick(s) will not only reflect the sentiment for who you will dedicate it to, it represents your special years spent at CMS. Feel free to share this link with grandparents, family and friends; anyone can purchase a brick for a current or former CMS student. We welcome words of encouragement, inspiration, quotes or simple dedications to family along with lots of free clip art options.

We thank you for your support in creating a special space that our students and faculty will enjoy for years to come.

Please send any questions to:

The CMS 2019-20 PTO

If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form

All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
$75 - 4x8 Brick Text Only
3 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)
Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

If you would like more than one order with the same verbiage, simply click on the add to cart button multiple times. If you would like to place a separate order, clear text, add new verbiage and click add to cart button.

All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
$75 - 4x8 Brick with Clipart
3 lines of text, 12 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

View Clipart
Clipart Number
Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

If you would like more than one order with the same verbiage, simply click on the add to cart button multiple times. If you would like to place a separate order, clear text, add new verbiage and click add to cart button.

If you would like to make an additional donation or do not want to purchase a brick but would still like to donate to Chatham Middle School, please clear box and enter dollar amount without dollar sign.

Chatham Middle School reserves the right of refusal of any order found to be inappropriate or in violation of Chatham Middle School policies, directives or guidelines.