Emma Langford

creating music

  • 95 members
  • 212 posts

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$1 - a helping hand
 / month

Thank you for your help, welcome to the family, your $1 is like a magical silk thread in a beautiful tapestry, making it all the more amazing. 

You're super, and I see you. Ya legend. 

$2 - A bus ticket or a cupán tae
 / month
Did you know your $2 covers a bus trip into the city to do all the things I have to do to keep this ship afloat like using office and rehearsal space, post merch, meet nice people who want to work with me. 

Thank you for your help, welcome to the family, you're like a magical silk thread in a beautiful tapestry, making it all the more amazing.
You're super, and I see you. Ya legend.
Most popular
$5 - You're like a very fancy coffee
 / month

5 of your shiny quids goes toward petrol for my bandmates, new strings for my guitar, a round-trip on a bus, the cost of rehearsal space, the cost of actually recording some tunes. It's SO appreciated. 

Thank you for your help, welcome to the family, you're like a magical silk thread in a beautiful tapestry, making it all the more amazing.
You're super, and I see you. Ya legend.
 / month
 / month
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Emma Langford

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