Practical information

4 Mar


4 - 5 March 2024


Egmont Palace

In the context of the Belgian presidency of the European Union, Just Transition has been made a priority of the Environmental Council. In line with this dedication to sustainable change, we are excited to announce the upcoming European Conference for a Just Transition, set to take place on March 4th and 5th at the Egmont Palace.

This pivotal event aims to bring together an array of stakeholders, including representatives from member states, esteemed EU delegates from the Commission and the European Parliament, as well as dedicated representatives from various segments of civil society.

Over the course of two days, the conference will delve into substantive discussions, with a specific focus on the social dimensions of the Green Deal. These discussions will contribute significantly to the formulation of crucial recommendations that will shape the strategic agenda of the future Commission. The goal is to ensure that as we progress towards a greener and more sustainable Europe, no one is left behind. 


Anaïs De Munck

Anne-Sophie Dellisse

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