
Country Special Ukraine: Plants, Machinery and Materials Needed for Rebuilding the Country

09.04.2024 von 14:30 - 17:00

Halle A4 | A4.423/522

Vortragsart: Vortrag


Organizer: ECTS/VDMA

Ukraine versus Central Asia - Comparison from an economic point of view
Monika Bind, VDMA

Rebuilding Ukraine – state and opportunities in and around the construction sector
Michał Woźniak, gtai

Overview of support and financing options of the German Development Cooperation to rebuild Ukraine
Martin L. Bader, Business Scout for Development, Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Title tba
Dr. Sergii Lisnichenko, Deutsch-Ukrainische Industrie- und Handelskammer