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The Glasshouse



RNS Moves play Philip Glass


RNS Moves play Philip Glass



Energetic. Electric. Transfixing.

Who’s on stage?

RNS Moves, our inclusive ensemble made up of disabled musicians and non-disabled members of Royal Northern Sinfonia. They’ve got an incredible energy and style – effortlessly blending classical, folk and electronic instruments and inspirations for a truly unique sound.

What are they playing?

A whole programme inspired by our new name! Pieces with glass in the title. Music written for glass instruments. Scores by people named Glass. They’re a creative bunch and their set list building skills show it.

Need to know

Price: £18

Running time: to be confirmed.

Age: Under 14s must be accompanied by an adult.

What you'll hear

Philip Glass
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Dani Howards

Who's playing it

RNS Moves

What’s happening in the music?

Philip Glass’ Glassworks gets double points on tonight’s theme. If you’ve never experienced his legendary work or the 20th century composition style known as minimalism, it’s a great place to start. We bet you’ll go home humming one of the looping melodies.

You’ll also hear music by Classical master Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and rising star Dani Howard, a British composer who’s making a name for herself with new concertos for other young stars including saxophonist Jess Gillam and trombonist Peter Moore.

Take a listen

Meet the musicians of RNS Moves and see how they make music together in this short film recorded at The Glasshouse last year.

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