
Due to compatibility issues with the latest version of NVDA that has recently been released, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue our current range of product voices. Our commitment to providing high-quality and compatible solutions for accessibility tools like NVDA remains strong. However, maintaining compatibility with the newest updates has presented significant challenges that prevent us from continuing to offer this product as a viable solution.

We understand that this change may be inconvenient, and we are here to support you during this transition. Our team is actively exploring alternatives and solutions that will continue to serve your needs in line with the latest advancements in technology.

For customers currently using our product voices, we encourage you to reach out to our support team for assistance and information about potential alternatives. We are committed to assisting you in finding suitable options to ensure your continued satisfaction.

Thank you for your understanding and for being a part of our community. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve you with innovative and effective solutions. More information coming soon.