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In the framework of the European interregional partnership Go4Cosmetics, 
the Centre-Val de Loire and Lombardy Regions are inviting you to

A conference on "the future of the European cosmetics industry" 

July 3rd, 2023, 2pm 

at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels

In the form of round tables, the event will bring together the cosmetic ecosystem and the European institutions to discuss the challenges in the cosmetics industry related to green and digital transitions, increased international competition and research and innovation. 
The conference will end with an award ceremony for innovative cosmetic stakeholders.
This event is organised in the framework of the European interregional partnership Go4Cosmetics. To carry the voice of the cosmetics industry on a European scale and to boost collaborative innovation, COSMETIC VALLEY, REI and its partners, led by the Centre - Val de Loire (France) and Lombardy (Italy) regions, have created and structured a European interregional partnership dedicated to the cosmetics industry: Go4Cosmetics, a partnership labeled "Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership" by the European Commission. In one year, the network has grown considerably: it already includes 10 regions in Europe that have made cosmetics a priority for investment in training, skills, innovation and industry.
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