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  • I work at Mohammed-V University in Rabat in Morocco as Associate Professor of Sociology. I hold a PhD and a Diplôme d... moreedit
  • Mohammed Booudoudou, David Gordon, Janet Gornickedit
Biased socio-environmental policies often result in social resistance among the less well-off, hence hindering the effectiveness of such policies. The present research investigated the implications of the plastic bags ban in Morocco... more
Biased socio-environmental policies often result in social resistance among the less well-off, hence hindering the effectiveness of such policies. The present research investigated the implications of the plastic bags ban in Morocco implemented in July 2016 and how it differentially impacted formal and informal sector workers including customers of informal economy markets. While formal markets succeeded in implementing the ban given the affordability of alternatives to plastic compared to their customers living standards, the informal markets vendors and customers not only could not afford these alternatives but also suffered from impoverishing effects of such policy as the findings of our research show. The paper concludes that the effectiveness of environmental policies relies heavily on their implementation within a wider framework addressing socioeconomic inequalities and poverty among the informal sector workers especially in countries where the latter constitute a large proportion of the national economy.
This report outlines Morocco’s social policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic in two main parts. First, it describes the Special Fund dedicated to the management of Covid-19, created in the wake of the health emergency and the subsequent... more
This report outlines Morocco’s social policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic in two main parts. First, it describes the Special Fund dedicated to the management of Covid-19, created in the wake of the health emergency and the subsequent general lockdown from March to June 2020. Second, it highlights the main components of the structural reform of all social protection policy announced for the next five years. The discussion is contextualised within the broader context of the political economy and demographic transition as well as the academic and policy literature about social policy and social protection in Morocco. The conclusion summarises the main findings and the general outlook for social protection reform between 2021 and 2025.
Au Maroc, comme au niveau international, l’échelle de plus en plus grande des mouvements migratoires fait en sorte que la santé des personnes provenant d’ailleurs en vient à constituer un enjeu de santé publique. Cet enjeu est d’autant... more
Au Maroc, comme au niveau international, l’échelle de plus en plus grande des mouvements migratoires fait en sorte que la santé des personnes provenant d’ailleurs en vient à constituer un enjeu de santé publique. Cet enjeu est d’autant plus complexe, que la diversité des populations qui font l’objet de cette préoccupation est grande. Ces populations comptent parmi elles des personnes migrantes ayant un statut régulier ; des personnes en emploi (secteur formel et informel) ou des étudiants ; et des personnes plus vulnérables comme les migrant.e.s au statut irrégulier, les demandeur.e.s d’asile et les réfugié.e.s.
Afin de comprendre précisément quels rôles divers déterminants sociaux sont amenés à jouer dans l’accès à la santé des personnes migrantes subsahariennes au Maroc, les différentes perspectives des personnes migrantes et des personnels des associations de la société civile, et des professionnels de la Santé ont été contrastées et mises en discussion.
Les recommandations proposées sont adressées aux décideurs publics, aux organisations de la société civile marocaine, aux organisations internationales et aux divers acteurs et actrices, agissant dans la gouvernance et la pratique des métiers de santé. Elles ont pour vocation d’aider à adapter les interventions et les actions des diverses structures et personnes intervenant auprès de ces populations, de manière à garantir leur droit à la santé.
Le présent document d'orientation vise à éclairer le débat public et politique au Maroc sur la réglementation des médias à l'ère numérique en tenant compte au mieux des audiences de jeune âge. Il est le fruit d’une collaboration entre... more
Le présent document d'orientation vise à éclairer le débat public et politique au Maroc sur la réglementation des médias à l'ère numérique en tenant compte au mieux des audiences de jeune âge. Il est le fruit d’une collaboration entre deux chercheurs, Dr. Tarik Sabry de l’Institut de communication et de recherche sur les médias de l’Université de Westminster, une université britannique de renommée mondiale dans le domaine de la recherche sur les médias, et le professeur Hicham Ait Mansour du département de sociologie de l’Université Mohamed V à Rabat. Cette collaboration fait partie d'un programme de mobilité de la British Academy, conçu pour favoriser le dialogue et les collaborations de recherche entre les chercheurs britanniques et la communauté universitaire internationale. Ce document vise à favoriser un débat public au Maroc autour de la réglementation du contenu des médias à écran destiné aux enfants marocains. Pour ce faire, le développement d'une communauté ayant cette préoccupation comprenant différentes parties prenantes, notamment des universitaires, des régulateurs des médias, des producteurs de médias, des éducateurs et des membres de groupes de la société civile, constitue une étape nécessaire.
Ce papier aborde en premier lieu le contenu de ce que l’on entend par « modèle de développement » sur la base de la littérature existante. Il restitue ensuite les principaux défis au développement au Maroc selon trois principaux axes :... more
Ce papier aborde en premier lieu le contenu de ce que l’on entend par « modèle de développement  » sur la base de la littérature existante. Il restitue ensuite les principaux défis au développement au Maroc selon trois principaux axes : 1/ Gouvernance, démocratie, droits humains et contrat social ; 2/ Travail, création de valeur et développement des compétences ; et 3/ Capabilités, culture et lien social.
La conclusion est consacrée à une synthèse des principales leçons tirées de cet exercice, en mesure d’inspirer les prochaines étapes du processus définies par les partenaires du projet.
This is a book review of the Cambridge University Press book by Siniša, Malešević published in French in the Moroccan Journal HESPERIS-TAMUDA, Vol L V Fascicule 1. 2020
تندرج هذه الورقة في إطار التقرير الثاني للمجلس العربي للعلوم االجتماعية تحت عنوان: "حول ماذا يكتب علماء علوم االجتماع في العالم العربي باللغة العربية؟". ينحصر نطاق الورقة في الدول المغاربية بخاصة الجزائر والمغرب وتونس من خالل الكتب... more
تندرج هذه الورقة في إطار التقرير الثاني للمجلس العربي للعلوم االجتماعية تحت عنوان: "حول ماذا
يكتب علماء علوم االجتماع في العالم العربي باللغة العربية؟". ينحصر نطاق الورقة في الدول المغاربية
بخاصة الجزائر والمغرب وتونس من خالل الكتب المنشورة باللغة العربية بين سنتي 2000 و2016 .
تقع الورقة في قسمين يعالج األول اإلنتاج اإلجمالي للكتب في الدول الثالث حسب المجاالت
والموضوعات، في حين يعالج القسم الثاني مضامين عينة محدودة فقط من الكتب.
اعتمدت الورقة، في محاولة إجابتها عن السؤال الرئيسي للتقرير، على منهجية عمل استمدت روحها من
مضامين الورقة المفاهيمية التي أنجزها المؤلف الرئيسي للتقرير د. عبد هللا حمودي وكذلك من توجيهاته
المنهجية قبل وخالل انجاز الورقة. كما اعتمدت على الورقة المرجعية للمجلس العربي للعلوم
االجتماعية التي حصرت بشكل عام المضامين التي يجب التركيز عليها كما حددت اإلطار الزمني في
الفترة الممتدة بين 2000 و2016 تم تقسيمها الى ثالث فترات صغرى وهي: 2000-2005 ،
.2016-2011و 2010-2006
في ما يخص القسم األول فقد تمت معالجة اإلنتاج اإلجمالي في مجال السوسيولوجيا بناء على تصنيف
للكتب من خالل عناوينها والمعلومات المتوفرة حولها وكذلك حسب البلدان والفترات الزمنية الثالث، في
حين عالج القسم الثاني مضامين الكتب التي تم سحبها من قاعدة البيانات المعتمدة بطريقة عشوائية،
بالمعنى االحتمالي واالحصائي للكلمة، أي كان لكل كتاب مدرج في قاعدة البيانات الحظوظ نفسها ليكون
عض وا في العينة المنتقاة.
أما المضامين التي تم االهتمام بها فتتعلق في الشق الذي تم تكميمه بطبيعة البحث )نظري، امبريقي أم
هما مع ا( ومنهجيته )كمية، كيفية أم هما مع ا(، بمستوى المجتمع المدروس )مجتمع محلي، وطني، إقليمي
أم نظري عام( وتحليل المراجع حسب الزمن )أقل من خمس سنوات، بين خمس وعشر سنوات، أكثر
من عشر سنوات( وحسب لغاتها )العربية، الفرنسية واالنجليزية(، كما تم االهتمام كذلك بمعرفة هل
المراجع العربية مترجمة أم منشورة مباشرة باللغة العربية.
This chapter offers a critical mapping of patterns of social security and social assistance in North African countries in order to revisit long-standing debates in the region on how to meet urgent basic needs, as well as protect human... more
This chapter offers a critical mapping of patterns of social security and social assistance in North African countries in order to revisit long-standing debates in the region on how to meet urgent basic needs, as well as protect human rights. The chapter discusses the tension between different approaches to social policy and the implications for programme design and implementation. To help the policy debate move forward, the chapter calls for a distinction to be made between small-scale targeted poverty relief programmes that fall under “social assistance” and larger social policy programmes, including social security policies to which all citizens should be entitled – hence, the more universal arm of social policy. The discussion provides some historical context, setting out the main political and economic factors that have shaped the social policy system in North Africa. It then focuses in more policy detail on the challenges that social policy faces there, thereby showing how far-reaching and multidimensional the needs and social problems of the local populations are. The chapter shows that the social policy system continues to be dominated by social safety net and social assistance programmes. It reinforces the argument that social policy plays a key role in advancing social and economic development, which is not an argument that has been recognized in practice among North African governments.
This paper considers the concept of "poverty" in its wider philosophical perspectives. Since different approaches define and measure poverty in different ways, one method of approaching this diversity would be to consider the... more
This paper considers the concept of "poverty" in its wider philosophical perspectives. Since different approaches define and measure poverty in different ways, one method of approaching this diversity would be to consider the philosophical assumptions on which they are grounded, namely the ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions. This framework has the advantage of comparing these approaches not only in terms of definitions and measures per se, but more systematically, in terms of philosophical fields that shape the meaning of poverty. Therefore, the paper discusses three main approaches to analysis and measurement of poverty. The first will be the neoliberal monetary approach, the second concerns the capability approach of the economist and philosopher Amartya Sen and finally relative deprivation of the Sociologist Peter Townsend. To further refine the scope of analysis, the first two approaches are analyzed in terms of their main feature, namely methodological individualism, while the third is distinguished by its mobilization of Methodological Holism. Finally, implicit to the analysis are questions about the "nature" of poverty (i.e., what is poverty?), How to make it intelligible? How to measure it? And finally what policy implications can be drawn from each approach? The conclusion rather argues for an interdisciplinary approach. Résumé Le présent article est une mise en perspective philosophique à propos du concept de la « pauvreté ». Compte tenu de la diversité conceptuelle, et, par conséquent, des définitions et des mesures auxquelles elles donnent lieu, une méthode d'approche pertinente de cette diversité serait de considérer les présupposés philosophiques au principe de leurs fondements, en l'occurrence, les présupposés d'ordre ontologiques, épistémologiques et méthodologiques. Ce cadre conceptuel offre l'avantage de pouvoir comparer ces approches non seulement en termes de définitions et de mesures per se, mais plus amplement, en termes de champs philosophiques auxquels ces dernières appartiennent et puisent leurs significations. Ainsi, trois principales approches d'analyse et de mesure de pauvreté feront l'objet d'examen, à savoir l'approche monétaire néolibérale, l'approche des capacités de l'économiste et philosophe Amartya Sen, et enfin la privation relative en référence aux travaux du sociologue Peter Townsend. En outre, en vue de circonscrire davantage le champ d'analyse de ces trois approches, les deux premières sont analysées sous le rapport de leur principale caractéristique, à savoir l' « individualisme méthodologique », tandis que la troisième se distingue par sa mobilisation du « holisme méthodologique ».Enfin, les questions stratégiques structurant l'analyse concernent la « nature » de la pauvreté (i.e., qu'est-ce que la pauvreté ?), comment la rendre intelligible ? Comment donc la mesurer ? Et, enfin, quelle sont les implications politiques qui en découlent ? La conclusion plaide plutôt en faveur d'une approche interdisciplinaire.
There is a wide agreement among poverty research community that conventional estimates of poverty (i.e., money-metric measures) do not take into account out of pocket payments of health care. Significant household health spending would... more
There is a wide agreement among poverty research community that conventional estimates of poverty (i.e., money-metric measures) do not take into account out of pocket payments of health care.
Significant household health spending would overestimate total household expenditure, which results in an underestimation of poverty measured in terms of household expenditure. The present working paper uses Luxembourg Income Study Center data to explore the impact of household health payments on poverty and child poverty estimates in
five middle-income countries (India, Mexico, South Africa, Russian Federation and Peru). It also extends this analysis to cover education expenditure as well and how it might exert similar effects on these poverty estimates.
Key words: poverty, child poverty, expenditure poverty, out of pocket health expenditure, out of pocket education expenditure, middle-income countries.
Research Interests:
The aim of this report is to understand the challenges and opportunities of social protection systems in OIC member countries. This is achieved by exploring the coverage of the social protection programmes at various levels or stages of... more
The aim of this report is to understand the challenges and opportunities of social protection systems in OIC member countries. This is achieved by exploring the coverage of the social protection programmes at various levels or stages of economic development. The objectives of
this report are to:
i. provide a detailed audit of social protection strategies, policies and institutions in the OIC member countries
ii. map out the social and economic situation of vulnerable groups in OIC members states
iii. analyse where OIC member countries stand in light of the new global trends in social protection policies
iv. highlight the main challenges facing the increased coverage of the social protection systems in these countries and to provide policy options and recommendations to help overcome these challenges.
The report uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods incorporating a deskbased review, statistical analysis of secondary data sets and in-depth interviews with key policy stakeholders within case study countries: Lebanon, Oman, Iran, Morocco and Sierra Leone. The desk based review and evidence is generated from research reports and empirical studies, which were accessed via United Nations agencies, academic research organisations and regional government departments. Literature and evidence searches were conducted
using academic search engines.

The report makes a series of recommendations for the extension of social protection services to vulnerable groups. These consists of a combination of social safety nets, basic social insurance and labour market programmes. They entail: targeted social pension programmes,
permanent labour intensive public works programmes, cash transfer programmes to very poor families with children; active labour market interventions including the formalisation of migrant workers and the informal workforce force in countries where national income is high.
A key proposal relates to the provision of universal access to essential primary health care services.
Research Interests:
This chapter presents an analysis of child poverty in Morocco using three different methods for identifying poor children: a monetary approach using the national poverty line methodology; a deprivation approach based on a child... more
This chapter presents an analysis of child poverty in Morocco using three different methods for identifying poor children: a monetary approach using the national poverty line methodology; a deprivation approach based on a child deprivation index; and a combined multidimensional measure, including both monetary and deprivation dimensions. The results are based on secondary data analysis of the 2001 Household Expenditure and Consumption Survey (HECS). The chapter looks at how poverty has been measured in Morocco, presents and discusses analysis of the HECS, and makes policy recommendations for both improving poverty measurement and reducing child poverty in Morocco. Children, Multidimensional poverty measurement, monetary child poverty, child deprivation index, policy recommendations
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
One of Foucault's main idea in this text is to provide a critique of how societies create heterotopias to provide as possible as close representations of their utopias very often at the expense of exclusions of those who do not fit the... more
One of Foucault's main idea in this text is to provide a critique of how societies create heterotopias to provide as possible as close representations of their utopias very often at the expense of exclusions of those who do not fit the “dominating utopia”?
On the other hand, heterotopias for Foucault are not only spaces with several places of/for the affirmation of difference, but also as a means to escape from authoritarianism and repression: “if we take the ship as the utmost heterotopia, a society without ships is inherently a repressive one”.
A rich interdisciplinary study of the relationships between space, both physical and virtual, and social and political participation Where do people meet, form relations of trust, and begin debating social and political issues? Where do... more
A rich interdisciplinary study of the relationships between space, both physical and virtual, and social and political participation Where do people meet, form relations of trust, and begin debating social and political issues? Where do social movements start? In this fascinating collection, scholars and activists from a wealth of disciplinary backgrounds, including sociology, anthropology, history, and political science, take a fresh look at these questions and the factors leading to political and social change in the Arab world from a spatial perspective. Based on original field work in Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, and Palestine, Spaces of Participation connects and reconnects social, cultural, and political participation with urban space. It explores timely themes such as formal and informal spaces of participation, alternative spaces of cultural production, space reclamation, and cultural activism, and the reconfiguring of space through different types of contestation. It also covers a range of spaces that include sports clubs, arts centers, and sites of protest and resistance, as well as virtual spaces such as social media platforms, in the process of examining the relationships and tensions between physical and virtual space. Spaces of Participation underlines the temporal and transformative quality of participatory spaces and how they are shaped by their respective political contexts, highlighting different forms of access, control, and contestation.