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Ficha de Unidade Curricular (FUC)
Curricular unit form (CUF)

M8301 - Nacionalismo e Etnicidade no Sistema Internacional
M8301 - Nationalism and Ethnicity in the International System

1.º Semestre / 1st Semester

Ficha de Unidade Curricular (FUC) / Curricular unit form (CUF)

M8301 - Nacionalismo e Etnicidade no Sistema Internacional / M8301 - Nationalism and Ethnicity in the International System

1.º Semestre / 1st Semester

Elementos caracterizadores / General information

Código / Code M8301
Acrónimo / Acronym M8301
Nível / Level 2.º Ciclo / 2nd Cycle
Estruturante / Structuring Não / No
Língua(s) de Ensino / Teaching language(s) Inglês / English
Língua(s) amigável(is) / Friendly languages  ---

Ser English-friendly ou qualquer outra língua-friendly, significa que a UC é leccionada numa língua mas que se pode verificar qualquer uma das seguintes condições:
1. Existem materiais de apoio em língua inglesa/outra língua;
2. Existem exercícios, testes e exames em língua inglesa/outra língua;
3. Existe a possibilidade de se apresentar trabalhos escritos ou orais em língua inglesa/outra língua.
Be English-friendly or any other language-friendly means that UC is taught in a language but can either of the following conditions:
1. There are support materials in English / other language;
2. There are exercises, tests and exams in English / other language;
3. There is a possibility to present written or oral work in English / other language.

Carga horária / Workload

Semestre / Semester 1
Créditos ECTS / ECTS credits 6.0
Aula Teórica (T) / Theoretical Class (T) 0.0  h/sem
Aula Teórico-Prática (TP) / Theoretical-Practical Class (TP) 20.0  h/sem
Aula Prática e Laboratorial (PL) / Practical and Laboratory Class (PL) 0.0  h/sem
Seminario (S) / Seminar (S) 0.0  h/sem
Trabalho de Campo (TC) / Fieldwork (FW) 0.0  h/sem
Estágio (E) / Internship (I) 0.0  h/sem
Orientação Tutorial (OT) / Tutorial Guidance (TG) 1.0  h/sem
Horas de Contacto / Contact Hours 21.0  h/sem
Trabalho Autónomo / Autonomous Work 129.0  h/sem
Outras (O) / Others (O) 0.0  h/sem
Horas de Trabalho Total / Total Hours of Work 150.0  h/sem

Informação adicional / Additional information

Em vigor desde o ano letivo / In effect since academic year


Pré-requisitos / Prerequisites

Não existem None

Objectivos Gerais da Unidade Curricular / Curricular Unit Objectives

Introduzir os estudantes na análise das principais teorias sobre o nacionalismo e das diferentes abordagens sobre etnicidade, procurando simultaneamente desenvolver as suas capacidades críticas. Introducing students to the analysis of the main theories of nationalism and the different approaches to ethnicity, while seeking to enhance their critical thinking.

Objectivos de Aprendizagem (Competências a Desenvolver ao Longo do Semestre) / Learning Objectives (Competences to develop during the semester)

No final da unidade curricular o aluno deverá ser capaz de:
OA1. Definir a especificidade dos estudos sobre nacionalismo no panorama dos estudos sobre a Idade Contemporânea.
OA2. Distinguir as duas principais formas de nacionalismo: cívíco-territorial e étnico-cultural.
OA3. Comparar e avaliar as principais teorias contemporâneas sobre o nacionalismo.
OA4. Diferenciar etnicidade de diferença cultural.
OA5. Desenvolver um discurso crítico sobre os usos correntes de etnicidade.
OA6. Analisar o discurso político sobre nação e/ou sobre grupos étnicos.
At the end of the curricular unit the student should be able to:
LO1. Define the specific nature of studies about nationalism in the field of studies about the Contemporary Age.
LO2. Distinguish between the two main forms of nationalism: civic-territorial and ethnocultural.
LO3. Compare and assess the main contemporary theories of nationalism.
LO4. Distinguish between ethnicity and cultural difference.
LO5. Develop a critical approach to the uses and misuses of ethnicity.
LO6. Analyze the political discourse about the nation and / or the ethnic group.

Programa / Program

CP1. Breve história da palavra "nação" no Ocidente.
CP2. Definições de nação.
CP3. A nacionalização do mundo: um processo em curso de 1776 até ao presente.
CP4. Nacionalismo cívico-territorial e nacionalismo étnico-cultural.
CP5. Teorias do nacionalismo: exposição e o debate contemporâneo.
CP6. Diversidade cultural e etnicidade: conceitos e problemas.
PC1. A short history of the word "nation" in the Western culture.
PC2. Defining nation
PC3. The nationalization of the world: an ongoing process from 1776 to the present.
PC4. Nationalism: Civic-territorial and ethno-cultural
PC5. Theories of Nationalism: lecture and the current debate.
PC6. Cultural diversity and ethnicity: concepts and limits.

Demonstração da coerência dos conteúdos programáticos com os objectivos da UC / Demostration of syllabus coherence with curricular unit's objective

Conteúdos Programáticos (CP): Objetivos de Aprendizagem (OA)
CP1: OA1
CP2: OA5, 6
CP3: OA2, 3
CP4: OA2, 3
CP5: OA1, 6
CP6: OA4, 5
Program Contents (PC): Learning Objectives (LO)
PC1: LO1
PC2: LO5, 6
PC3: LO2, 3
PC4: LO2, 3
PC5: LO1, 6
PC6: LO4, 5

Processo de avaliação / Evaluation process

Students? assessment is based on an individual written essay and their participation in classes (individually or in group).
The classification system consists of 100 points:
Written essay: from 0 to 50 points
Oral group presentation: from 0 to 35 points
One to three points for each reply (always using codes), sent by email, during or shortly after each class: up to 15 points
The final score is translated, into the Portuguese grading system (scale of 0?20), as follows:
X points / 5 = Y valores
Students? assessment is based on an individual written essay and their participation in classes (individually or in group).
The classification system consists of 100 points:
Written essay: from 0 to 50 points
Oral group presentation: from 0 to 35 points
One to three points for each reply (always using codes), sent by email, during or shortly after each class: up to 15 points
The final score is translated, into the Portuguese grading system (scale of 0?20), as follows:
X points / 5 = Y valores

Processo de ensino-aprendizagem / Teaching and learning process

Metade das aulas são de natureza teórica e a outra metade de natureza prática. As aulas teóricas irão apresentar os conceitos e as diferentes abordagens  teóricas. Nas aulas práticas os diversos grupos de trabalho aplicarão os conceitos aprendidos à análise de casos concretos e discutirão as suas conclusões com os colegas. Ao mesmo tempo, o docente irá consolidar e aprofundar os conceitos lecionados e esclarecer dúvidas. Half of the classes are lectures and the other half of a practical nature. The lectures will introduce the concepts and the different theoretical approaches. In practical classes different teams of students will apply the learned concepts to the analysis of concrete cases while discussing their findings with the colleagues. At the same time, the teacher will consolidate and deepen the concepts and clarify doubts.

Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino com os objectivos de aprendizagem da UC / Demostration of coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

O alinhamento entre cada elemento de avaliação e os objetivos de aprendizagem é realizado da seguinte forma:
Reflexão escrita: OA1, OA2, OA3, OA4, OA5
Apresentação de um portfolio: OA2, OA6
Alignment between each assignment and the learning objectives is performed as follows:
Individual paper: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
Portfolio presentation: LO2, LO6

Observações / Observations

Nenhumas None

Bibliografia básica / Basic bibliography

ANDERSON, Benedict. Comunidades Imaginadas: Reflexões sobre a Origem e a Expansão do Nacionalismo, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2005 [1983]
BANKS, Marcus. Ethnicity: Anthropological Constructions, London, Routledge, 1996
BHABBA, Homi . Nation and Narration, London, Routledge, 1990
BREUILLY, John. Nationalism and the State, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1993
BROWN, David. Contemporary Nationalism: Civic, Ethnocultural, and Multicultural Politics, London, Routledge, 2000
ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland. Ethnicity and Nationalism. Anthropological Perspectives, London, Pluto Press, 1993
GELLNER, Ernest.  Nações e Nacionalismo, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1993
MAYALL, James. Nationalism and International Society, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990
MORTIMER, Edward (ed.). People, Nation and State: The Meanings of Ethnicity and Nationalism, London, I.B.Tauris, 1999
SMITH, Anthony. Nações e Nacionalismo numa Era Global, Oeiras, Celta, 1999 [1995]

Bibliografia complementar / Complementary Bibliography

BALAKRISHNAN, Gopal (ed.). Mapping the Nation, London, Verso, 1996
BANTON, Michael. Ethnic and Racial Consciousness, London, Longman, 1997
BARTH, Frederick. Introduction in Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1969
BRASS, Paul. Ethnicity and Nationalisms: Theory and Comparison, New Delhi, Sage, 1991
CHATTERJEE, Partha. Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse, London, Zed Books, 1993 [1986]
DIECKHOFF, Alain (ed.). The Politics of Belonging. Nationalism, Liberalism, and Pluralism, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2004
DUNN, John (ed.). Contemporary Crisis of the Nation-State?, Oxford, Blackwell, 1995
HANNUM, Hurst. Autonomy, Sovereignty, and Self-Determination, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996
HOBSBAWM, Eric. A Questão do Nacionalismo. Nações e Nacionalismo desde 1780. Programa, mito e realidade, Lisboa, Terramar, 1998 [1990]
HOROWITZ, Donald. Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1985
JAFFRELOT, Christophe. For a theory of nationalism, Questions de Recherche / Research in Question, 10, 2003
LEOUSSI, Athena (ed.). Encyclopedia of Nationalism, New Brunswich, Transaction Publishers, 2000
MAALOUF, Amin. As Identidades Assassinas, Lisboa, Difel, 2002 [1998]
MOYTL, Alexander (ed.). Encyclopedia of Nationalism, San Diego - London, Academic Press, 2 Vols., 2001
NEUBERGER, Benyamin. National Self-Determination in Postcolonial Africa, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996
PUHLE, Hans-Jürgen. Nation States, Nations and Nationalisms in Western and Southern Europe in J.G.Beramendi, X.M.Nuñez (eds.), Nationalism in Europe. Past and Present, Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de S.Compostela, 1994
ROKKAN, Stein. Dimensions of State Formation and Nation-Building: a possible paradigm for research on variations within Europe in Ch.Tilly (ed.), Formation of National States in Western Europe, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1983
SMITH, Anthony. Theories of Nationalism, London - New York, Duckworth / Holmes & Meyer, 1983
__________. A Identidade Nacional, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1997 [1991]
__________. Nationalism and Modernism: A Critical Survey of Recent Theories of Nations and Nationalism, London, Routledge, 1998
SUNY, Ronald Grigor. The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1993