Students for Sustainability!

Focus Sustainability is the national centre for student engagement with sustainability in Switzerland. The centre was launched in February 2021 by the Swiss Association of Student Organisations for Sustainability (VSN-FDD-FSS) and the Swiss Student Union (VSS-UNES-USU). Our goal is to enable students at higher education institutions to meaningfully pursue their transformation potential in their commitment to sustainability. To ensure this, we organise workshops, networking events and coaching programmes for students in partnership with stakeholders from both the higher education sector and society.

Empower — Support — Network

With these three pillars, we believe that you can engage at your best. That’s why we create opportunities with these dimensions in mind. We enable you to learn from experts in ecological, social and economic sustainability and to exchange experiences with students and professionals.

Our offers are open to all students at Swiss higher education institutions and are free of charge.

Focus on Students

Are you a student at a Swiss higher education institution keen to engage with sustainability, but don’t know how? Or are you already actively involved with sustainability, and would like to acquire new skills or get support?

Focus on Higher Education Institutions

Are you working for a Swiss higher education institution and you would like to support your students in their extracurricular engagement with sustainability, but don’t know how? Or are you already supporting students to get engaged, and would like to find out how to do that better?

«Avec Focus Sustainability, nous avons organisé une formation pour les étudiant·e·x·s sur les discriminations et le harcèlement avec 60 participant·e·x·s (la jauge maximale). Dès le début de nos interactions, les coordinatrices de Focus Sustainability ont très vite compris notre envie de développer la durabilité sociale. Focus Sustainability a été d’une grande aide, en organisant les réunions et gérant les deadlines, en trouvant des formateurices et dans la communication commune. Cette collaboration a parfaitement porté ses fruits et La Convergence n’hésitera pas à refaire appel à Focus Sustainability pour de futurs projets.»

Victor Rey

Étudiant; Porte-parole de La Convergence (Réunion d'associations estudiantines engagées pour la durabilité à Lausanne)

«Focus Sustainability schafft es als erste Plattform in der Schweiz, Beziehungen zu diversen Initiativen und Projekten, die sich im Bereich Nachhaltige Entwicklung an den Schweizer Hochschulen engagieren, aufzubauen und diese zu vernetzen. So können die Projekte einerseits voneinander lernen und Erfahrungen austauschen. Andererseits bietet sich das Potenzial, das Netzwerk von engagierten Studierenden, Dozierenden und Mitarbeitenden an den einzelnen Hochschulen zu vergrössern und Nachhaltigkeit stärker in den einzelnen Institutionen zu fördern und gesamtgesellschaftlich zu verankern.»

Rhea Bürgi

Master-Studentin; Hilfsassistentin bei Bern SUSTAINS (Hub for Student Engagement towards Sustainability in Bern)

Events Spring Semester 2024

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Become a Partner

The goal of Focus Sustainability is to create a national network of students, Swiss higher education institutions, support platforms and other relevant organisations to assist students to commit meaningfully to a sustainable society. We are looking for partners to join us on this journey. Are you interested in collaborating with Focus Sustainability? Then please get in touch with us.

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