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Warehouse module: OS2IOT


With this Azure module, you can easily setup an environment in Azure, to consume data from OS2IOT.

It can fetch data one or multiple times each day, from OS2IOT's API and save them in the database. It also fetches data from sensors. In a later version of this module, data will also be refined into data per hour, data per day and data per month.

The module is build with Bygdrift Warehouse, that enables one to attach multiple modules within the same azure environment, that can collect and wash data from all kinds of services, in a cheap data lake and database. By saving data to a MS SQL database, it is:

  • easy to fetch data with Power BI, Excel and other systems
  • easy to control who has access to what - actually, it can be controlled with AD so you don't have to handle credentials
  • It's cheap

How it works

The flow


In OS2IOT, there is an API that contains a lot of useful data that gets fetched each day from this module and saved into the database. Under Database content, there is a list of data that gets loaded. When installing this module, you can define how often the API should be called by the parameter OS2IOTApiScheduleExpression = 0 0 1 * * * That is each day 1AM UTC time. Read about how to change it.

Getting payloads

Data from the sensors gets send to the server and then transferred to the OS2IOT server as a payload. These packages are compressed to be as tiny as possible, so In OS2IOT, technical users can setup their own payload decoders, or use the library of decoders, to decompress the payloads.

OS2IOT then has a HTTP Push service that pushes the decoded payloads out to a receiver. To set OS2IOT up to send data to the Azure module, you need to set up a data-target in OS2IOT with a datatarget-URL and an Authorization header. The URL is a path to the PostPayloads function, that's like: You defined The Authorization header when installing this Azure module. It can be changed At the Azure Functions under Configuration where it has the name: PostPayloadsAuthorizationKey.

Payloads are received and saved directly down to the data lake as queue massages.

Each 5 minute another function called IngestQueuedPayloads, asks for all messages in the data lake and converts them to a CSV-stream (a comma separated file-format). The CSV gets saved into the data lake for history purpose, and the csv gets send to the database in one bulk. If data contains column names that are not defined in the database, new columns will be added. And if the datatype has been changed on an already created column, the datatype will be updated.

All the ingested queue messages from the data lake gets deleted. If the function IngestQueuedPayloads or the database is not working properly, messages will be saved for up to 7 days before the oldest will expire. So if the database has been down for 2 days, no data will be lost.

Cleaning data lake

The function CleanDataLake gets called each day and deletes all data from the data lake that's older than 6 months. The amount of months to go back, is defined when installing the Azure module as MonthsToKeepDataInDataLake = 6. This setting can later be changed under the Azure Functions Configuration.


For information or consultant hours, please write to


How this module is used in Hillerød Municipality and how it's installed (remember first to install the Bygdrift Warehouse base module):

2022-05-27: Detailed description of how this module fetches data from OS2IOT (in Danish)

2022-05-26: How to update the Azure module if a new version is released (in Danish)


All modules can be installed and facilitated with ARM templates (Azure Resource Management): Use ARM templates to setup and maintain this module.

Database content

Data From payloads

Data from payloads are saved exactly as the payload decoder in OS2IOT describes. If data comes from multiple decoders, data is saved into columns with similar names, and if columns isn't present, they will be added:

Payloads temperature varchar
Payloads humidity bigint
Payloads light bigint
Payloads motion bigint
Payloads co2 bigint
Payloads vdd bigint
Payloads deviceId varchar
Payloads location.type varchar
Payloads location.coordinates varchar
Payloads commentOnLocation varchar
Payloads name varchar
Payloads timeStamp datetime

Data from the OS2IOT API

Organizations id int
Organizations name varchar
Organizations applicationIds int
Organizations createdAt datetime
Organizations updatedAt datetime
ChirpstackGateways id varchar
ChirpstackGateways name varchar
ChirpstackGateways description varchar
ChirpstackGateways createdAt datetime
ChirpstackGateways updatedAt datetime
ChirpstackGateways firstSeenAt varchar
ChirpstackGateways lastSeenAt varchar
ChirpstackGateways organizationID int
ChirpstackGateways networkServerID int
ChirpstackGateways location.latitude real
ChirpstackGateways location.longitude real
ChirpstackGateways location.altitude int
ChirpstackGateways location.source varchar
ChirpstackGateways location.accuracy int
ChirpstackGateways networkServerName varchar
ChirpstackGateways internalOrganizationId int
Applications id int
Applications name varchar
Applications description varchar
Applications createdAt datetime
Applications updatedAt datetime
DeviceModels id int
DeviceModels name varchar
DeviceModels type varchar
DeviceModels category varchar
DeviceModels brandName varchar
DeviceModels modelName varchar
DeviceModels manufacturerName varchar
DeviceModels controlledProperties varchar
DeviceModels createdAt datetime
DeviceModels updatedAt datetime
IotDevices id int
IotDevices applicationId int
IotDevices deviceModelId int
IotDevices chirpstackApplicationId int
IotDevices name varchar
IotDevices deviceEUI varchar
IotDevices comment varchar
IotDevices commentOnLocation varchar
IotDevices metadata varchar
IotDevices latitude real
IotDevices longitude real
IotDevices lastRecievedMessageTime datetime
IotDevices loraActivationType varchar
IotDevices loraBatteryStatus int
IotDevices createdAt datetime
IotDevices updatedAt datetime
IotDevices createdById int
IotDevices updatedById int

Data lake content

When installing the OS2IOT-module, it i possible to select, for how long this data should be saved. As a standard, it is set for 6 months.

In the data lake container with this modules name, there are three main folders:

  • ApiRaw contains all the API-calls as json.
  • ApiRefined contains all the API-calls as json.
  • PayloadRefined contains all payloads, cleaned and saved into csv-files

The folder structure:

  • ApiRaw
    • {yyyy the year}
      • {MM the month}
        • {dd the day}
          • Organizations.json
          • ChirpstackGateways.json
          • Applications.json
          • DeviceModels.json
          • IotDevices.json
  • ApiRefined
    • {yyyy the year}
      • {MM the month}
        • {dd the day}
          • Organizations.csv
          • ChirpstackGateways.csv
          • Applications.csv
          • DeviceModels.csv
          • IotDevices.csv
  • PayloadRefined
    • {yyyy the year}
      • {MM the month}
        • {dd the day}
          • 2022-05-23-00.30.00_payload_9vCnZnkBUi.json
          • 2022-05-23-00.34.59_payload_ugf7Kqa4z0.json

Messages are also saved into the data lake Queues: os2iot-payloads, containing payloads, ready to be refined and loaded into the database. If the modules stops working by an accident, data will continue to be stacked up as messages for up to seven days.


  • 0.4.0: Added OpenAPI so it is easy for a company to hook up directly to this service and fetch message queues directly from DataLake instead of getting data from database


MIT License


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