
Thank-you to reviewers of 2023


Reviewers and peer reviews are an indispensable part of academic publishing, and we sincerely thank you for your time and expertise. Your ongoing support of the journal is invaluable to the advancement of our academic community.

Thank-you Letter from Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) Leadership Team

Peer review, a task often invisible to many and not always given due recognition, is indispensable in elevating the quality of academic publications. On behalf of the editorial team at NJCIE, we express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all our voluntary and dedicated peer reviewers. We could not have made it without your great support. We are immensely grateful for the time and expertise you have dedicated to improving the quality of research in the field of Comparative and International Education

Your ongoing support is invaluable to our journal. In 2024, we commit ourselves to continuously improving the peer review process by providing the necessary support and making sure that the review invitation aligns closely with your expertise.

Thank you for your valuable contributions as a peer reviewer for NJCIE


Read more about Thank-you to reviewers of 2023

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): General issue: Current and Future Perspectives of Education at Different Levels
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