Living Norway Colloquium 2023

Open biodiversity data for a better world

Dates: May 23th – May 24th 2023

Venue: The seminar on May 23rd will be held at NTNU in Trondheim, and it will also be possible to remotely stream the seminar. The workshop on May 24th will be held at NINA-huset and is open for in-person attendance only.

Registration: To register please use this link.

The deadline for in-person registration is Tuesday May 16th. The deadline for digital registration is Monday May 22nd.

More information and updates about the event will be posted on this page. When you have signed up, you will receive an e-mail with all important updates.

Code of conduct: We want to ensure that everyone who attends our colloquium feels welcome, safe and comfortable. You can read the conference code of conduct here.

Background and conference themes

The world is facing a crisis of biodiversity loss. Increasingly, science-based strategies for the conservation and management of biodiversity require broad access to FAIR and open ecological data. The technological infrastructure to support open data sharing has advanced in leaps and bounds, and open science is quickly becoming a standard component of scientific practice. Still, there is much more room to advance the adoption of open data access and publication. With this colloquium, we want to continue building a broad, inclusive culture of open data among users of ecological data in Norway and beyond.

This year’s colloquium aims to shine a spotlight on the many opportunities offered by open ecological data to make progress towards a better world. The first session will highlight recent research that leverages open ecological data in innovative applications. In the second session, we will hear from researchers working at the cutting edge to improve the usability of open ecological data for a wide range of data users. Finally, the third session will look broadly to future directions in the use of open ecological data.

We want to open dialogues between a wide audience of people whose work relates to ecological data: researchers, environmental managers, policymakers, and beyond. We hope that colloquium attendees come away feeling inspired about the role of open science practices in the path towards a more biodiverse and sustainable future. 

After the first day of seminar sessions, we will hold a workshop aimed at anyone looking to get started or build your skills in accessing, using, and publishing ecological data using the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. This will be a hands-on session and attendees will come away with concrete skills to advance their engagement with open access ecological data.

This is our fourth annual colloquium. We look forward to meeting you again to discuss timely and relevant topics related to open science and (FAIR) management of ecological data!