
The present Guidelines are the result of the common work developed by the partner organizations of the
project “Short Stories – Big Changes”, realized under the Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in the
field of Youth, within the Erasmus+ Programme.

A guide for youth workers in Europe interested in learning about the existing European mobility opportunities for young people with refugee background

A collection of non-formal education tools to be used to explain what is moveurope! to young people with and without refugee backgroud

Find in this manual 4 versions of the moveurope! training concept to train people on the use and implementation of moveurope!

Create your youth network!

Sharing learnings and materials based on the experience with moveurope! local groups network. 

Most important from moveurope!

For your convenience, we made the brochures in these four languages:

Gather a group of friends (at least 6) and step in the shoes of a refugee in Europe. No worries, you do not need to have prior knowledge about migration – that’s the aim of the game: to learn. Of course, if you have some already, it will help! 

This brochure in German shows the current possibilities of legal migration within europe for those migrants with legal status. 

It explains the approach on the example of voluntary service and apprenticeship.

This handbook describes the activities led during the Empower Youth training, the participants’
opinions and experiences, as well as the outcomes of the project.

It is targeted primarily at
trainers, social institutions and social workers that are interested to organise a training (or activities) on empowerment for social workers through non-formal education.

Our guidebook for the implemention of empowerment and exchange projects.


An off- and online peer-to-peer training concept for young refugees & Europeans