Achievements Highlight - Regional Pacific NDC Hub

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Achievments Evaluation Pacific NDC Hub
Report summary
This document consolidates the outcomes of the NDC Hub’s Achievements Evaluation. This voluntary evaluation was conducted between August 2021 – February 2022, aiming to understand the significance of the NDC Hub’s work and highlight the NDC Hub’s impact on Pacific Island Countries. The evaluation is based on the 27 country activities which have been completed during the NDC Hub’s first and second project phases. The NDC Hub is implementing a total of 36 country activities during these project phases, with the remaining activities still in progress. The information in this evaluation is based on consultation with over 25 stakeholders including the NDC Hub’s technical staff, NDC Hub Focal Points, as well as donors and external partners of the NDC Hub. A desk review of all activity documents has similarly informed this evaluation. Each statement in the document is backed up by a reference to either of these sources, and the data collection methodology can be further elaborated upon request. All information represents the status of the NDC Hub’s work as of February 2022.