Jean Kaddour, Steindór Sæmundsson, Marc Deisenroth
Publication date
NeurIPS 2020
Few-shot learning, Automatic Curriculum Learning, Active Learning, Meta-Learning
Data-efficient learning algorithms are essential in many practical applications where data collection is expensive, eg, in robotics due to the wear and tear. To address this problem, meta-learning algorithms use prior experience about tasks to learn new, related tasks efficiently. Typically, a set of training tasks is assumed given or randomly chosen. However, this setting does not take into account the sequential nature that naturally arises when training a model from scratch in real-life: how do we collect a set of training tasks in a data-efficient manner? In this work, we introduce task selection based on prior experience into a meta-learning algorithm by conceptualizing the learner and the active meta-learning setting using a probabilistic latent variable model. We provide empirical evidence that our approach improves data-efficiency when compared to strong baselines on simulated robotic experiments.
Total citations
Scholar articles
J Kaddour, S Sæmundsson - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2020