Analysis of Communication and Transport Systems

Examiner: Tatiana Polishchuk,


The presentation schedule for December 18 is up: Presentation schedule. Please, note we start a bit earlier than initially planned.

You can find examiner's comments on your preliminary reports either in separate files uploaded to your project folders, or directly inside the report files. 

Course description

Lecture (November 7, Tuesday, 8:15 - 10:00 ): Introduction to the course and projects

Final Group/project allocation 


Traffic Analysis

T1:Public transport usage analysis based on ticket data (Clas)

T2:Phantom Traffic Jams (Johan)

Supply Chain Planning (Quantitative Logistics)

Q1:Emergency Vehicles Travel Routes (Krisjanis)

Q2:Identifying Effects of Using Volunteers as First Responders (Sofie)

Q3:When to deconflict drones flightplans? (Valentin)

Q4:Integration of Meal Breaks into Train-Dispatcher Shift Scheduling (Christiane)

Smart Cities 

S1:Indoor/Outdoor air quality: the case of vehicles (Vangelis)

S2:Container Relocation Problem in a Port under Fixed Inputs (Vangelis)

The first supervision meeting: week 45. Contact your supervisor today!

Course milestones:

The project specification shall be formatted according to the project specification template.

The mid-project evaluation shall be formatted according to the mid-project evaluation template

The final report shall conform to the format given in the template for the final report.

Project assessment shall be submitted together with the final report and formatted using the project reflections and self-assessment template.

Each group shall have at least one supervision meeting each week. 

All supervision meetings shall be documented in “minutes” documents in free form (no template is provided). 

The meeting minutes shall be uploaded to the Collaborative Workspace in LISAM within 3 days from the meeting.

Presentation schedule 

Project supervisors:

Johan Olstam, Analysis)

Clas Rydergren (Traffic Analysis)

Tatiana Polishchuk, (Supply Chain Planning)

Christiane Schmidt, (Supply Chain Planning)

Krisjanis Steins, (Supply Chain Planning)

Sofie Pilemalm (Supply Chain Planning)

Vangelis Angelakis, (Smart Cities)