
My Google Scholar profile is here. A formal CV and research statement are here.  

A list of papers is below. Click through the links for an abstract, a PDF of the paper, and, where available, a slide deck of an associated talk. 

My Erdos number is 3 (me -> Rakesh Vohra -> Daniel Kleitman -> Paul Erdos). 

Working Papers

Papers in Refereed Journals

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Other Publications


Fair Discounting Auctions (with Kamal Jain, Rakesh Vohra) (US Patent #7,778,869)


I am presently supported partially by a NSF- CCF grant (joint with Sampath Kannan, Aaron Roth and Rakesh Vohra) on "The Foundations of Fair Data Analysis."

I was previously supported by an NSF-ICES grant (joint with Sham Kakade, Michael Kearns and Aaron Roth) on "The Economic Foundations of Digital Privacy."


I've served on the organizing committee for- Fairness for Digital Infrastructure Workshop 2017, Texas Theory Conference 2016, New York Computer Science and Economics Day 2011 and Ad Auctions Workshop 2012. 

I have served on the program committee for ACM Conference on Electronic commerce and other conferences and workshops in the sort of 'nexus area' between computer science and economics. Most recently, I served as a area chair for EC 2023 and will be serving as a SPC for WINE 23. 

I've been a referee for, among others: American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, Econometrica, Economics Bulletin, European Journal of Operations Research, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, International Journal of Game Theory,  Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Review of Economic Studies, Theoretical Economics and Transactions on Economics and Computation.