Need to work on VR content with the latest software and headsets?

Our 45m2 VR Studio is equipped with five editing units all with dual screens and powerful graphics cards. Two of these workstations sport NVIDIA GeForce GTX1080, two come with NVIDIA Titan XP, and the fifth has an NVIDIA Quadro P6000 24GB GPU. Included are HTC Vive and Oculus Rift Headsets and a large green screen background. Check the sidebar for all technical information and bookings.

The room is also spacious enough for wandering around. You can move freely without bumping into a wall or other obstacles.

Who can use it?

The VR Studio is open to everyone at Aalto University. It can be used for courses, research and even spare-time projects if reservation schedules allow.

Do it yourself

These guides cover the essentials of getting set up in the VR Studio .

Two computer screensAccess the VR Studio You can book working time for any of the computers in VR Studio from Aalto Takeout. If you need access…