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Children swimming

Make a splash this half term!

All schoolchildren aged up to 16 years old from the Cumberland area will be able to go for a swim in a choice of five indoor pools for only 10p over the May half term (Saturday 25 to Sunday 2 June)

1 June 2024
Cumberland council logo

Cumbria LEP and Cumberland Council welcomes Holtec Britain’s SMR Manufacturing Site Shortlist

Holtec Britain has announced a shortlist of four sites that have made it through to the final stage of its competition to find a new factory and production site to build a fleet of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which will be used in the UK, Europe and the Middle East. The inclusion of Kingmoor Park in Carlisle was warmly welcomed by Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (Cumbria LEP) and Cumberland Council, which jointly developed the Expression of Interest.

30 May 2024

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