The upEND Podcast


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The first season of The upEND Podcast traces family separations during chattel slavery to the family policing system we have today and imagines a safer future.

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The upEND Movement podcast art on a wide image features a two mothers with their children, a father with a young daughter and a pregnant woman on illustrated on a painted canvas.

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Introduction to Family Policing Abolition

An upEND Syllabus

Take a self-guided course on family policing’s history, present, and abolitionist future. This is a companion to The upEND Podcast.

Abolitionist Framework Tool

Do proposed reforms to family policing further entrench systemic harms or do they create a society where the need for a family policing system is obsolete?

Letter to the Editor: Foster Care Cannot Provide True Safety for Children

As part of the growing movement to end the separation of children from their families, we were disappointed to read the article “What Happens When Abusive Parents Keep their Children” in the opinion section of the New York Times.

Family Policing Doesn’t Prevent Child Abuse, Abolition Can

While the family policing system also purports to prevent child abuse, abolition seeks to prevent harm before it occurs in the first place.

Upending The Racialized Family Ideal

Child welfare policies reward those who uphold the American “family ideal” and police, punish, and profit from those who don’t meet it.

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