Disabled Academics Study


  • This study is a multi-phase project involving an anonymous survey (n=267) and semi-structured interviews (n=38).
  • Key themes include space and time, access, institutional barriers, collective accountability, and differences in lived experience across factors such as race, gender, rank, geographic location, type of disability, and type of institution.
  • Our sampling method for the interview phase is maximum variation or diversity sampling. This approach seeks to gather as many different stories and experiences as possible. The key question for this sampling method is not “Who is typical or representative of a group?” but rather “Who is unimagined? What new questions might be discovered through learning from the unimagined?”


Further research needed

  • The Disabled Academics Study examines the experiences of disabled faculty, including those in non-tenure-track positions, and staff in a variety of roles. However, much more research remains to be done, including studies that focus on the experiences of disabled graduate students and independent researchers.
  • Please contact Margaret Price if you would like access to the interview guide used in this study. I encourage other researchers to read our team’s work, consider our methods, and share findings in order to expand knowledge about disabled people in university life more generally.


Grant Support

  • Price, Margaret. Fulbright Research Grant to University of Gothenberg, Sweden. Spring 2022.
  • Price, Margaret and Stephanie L. Kerschbaum (co-PIs). Research Initiative Grant. Conference on College Composition and Communication. 2014-2016.
  • Salzer, Mark M., PI. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). Grant H133B100037. 2008-2013.
