ISSA Webinar: Rural workers and social security in Europe

7 April 2022 | Virtual

ISSA Webinar: Rural workers and social security in Europe

7 April 2022 | Virtual

Thursday, 7 April 2022, 10:30–12:00 (UTC/GMT+2 or CEST)

Languages: Simultaneous interpretation in English, French, German and Spanish
(Simultaneous interpretation
 – Frequently asked questions)

Webinar organized in collaboration with the ISSA European Network (IEN)

Ensuring adequate social security coverage of the rural population is an essential element of social security strategies and instrumental for wider objectives regarding the living conditions and development of rural areas.

However, the diversity of employment and working realities in agriculture, including self-employed workers, employees, family helpers as well as seasonal and migrant workers creates a challenging context for social security institutions. This is compounded by the specific and evolving social security and prevention needs of workers in agriculture and challenges related to service delivery, communication and outreach in rural areas. A number of countries have therefore established specific institutional or policy approaches to ensure the social security coverage of workers in agriculture and rural areas.

In the context of important socio-economic, cultural, technological and demographic changes affecting rural areas and the agricultural sector in Europe, this ISSA Webinar will expose current challenges for the social security coverage of rural workers and discuss innovative strategies to adapt existing systems to meet the evolving needs for protection. It will highlight new opportunities for improved access, outreach and service delivery offered by technology, and point to remaining gaps in coverage adequacy of social security in rural areas.


Gertruda Uścińska Gertruda Uścińska, President, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poland and Chairperson of the ISSA European Network (IEN)
Erich Koch

Erich Koch, Secretary General, European Network of Agriculture Social Protection Systems (ENASP) and Head, Unit of Self-Government and Public Relations, Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG), Germany

İlker Şirin

İlker Şirin, Coordinator for Risk Management, Social Security Expert and Actuary, Social Security Institution (SGK), Turkey

Dr Jean-Marc Soulat

Dr Jean-Marc Soulat, National Doctor and Member of the Board, Central Agricultural Workers and Farmers’ Mutual Benefit Fund (CCMSA), France

Päivi Wallin

Päivi Wallin, Director, Farmers’ Social Insurance (MELA), Finland

Magdalena Wachnicka-Witzke

Magdalena Wachnicka-Witzke, Director, Communication and International Cooperation Office, Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), Poland and Secretary General of the International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in Agriculture

This webinar will examine the following questions:

  • How do different countries in Europe organize the social security protection of rural workers and respond to the specific needs of rural areas?
  • What broader socio-economic, demographic, labour market, cultural or technological changes impact specifically on the social security needs in rural areas and the coverage of rural workers?
  • What social security coverage gaps or shortcomings can be identified or anticipated and what group of rural workers (self-employed, employees, seasonal workers, family helpers etc.) is most affected by these gaps/shortcomings?
  • What strategies or measures are being taken to strengthen social security coverage for rural workers and overcome these gaps/shortcomings?
  • In terms of outreach, communication and service delivery, what are the current challenges and does technology offer you new opportunities in this regard?


  • Welcome by Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, Secretary General, International Social Security Association (ISSA)
  • Introduction by Chairperson of the ISSA European Network
  • Technical presentation by the ENASP
  • Case experience of Turkey
  • Case experience of France
  • Case experience of Finland
  • Case experience of Poland
  • Q&A – Panel discussion
  • Conclusions


Marjorie Lestienne Moderated by Marjorie Lestienne, Regional Coordinator for Europe, ISSA

Practical information

The webinar is open to delegates of ISSA member institutions and invited participants without registration fee.