EDI at Bath DClinPsy: Learning, Reflecting and Developing

Learn about EDI in relation to clinical psychology at Bath and engage in third interactive workshops.

By Doctoral in Clinical Psychology: University of Bath

Date and time

Thu, 13 Jul 2023 09:15 - 15:45 GMT+1


University of Bath

Building 10W, Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

About this event

This conference is open for the DClin training community, including current and past trainees, course staff, regional supervisors, and Bath BAME mentoring scheme mentees and mentors. The conference is run in a hybrid form and attendance both in-person and online is possible. The theme of the first conference is Race, culture and racism in Clinical Psychology.

For any enquiries about the event, please contact bathcp-admin@bath.ac.uk

It is being held in Building 10W, University of Bath, Claverton Down.

EDI Conference for University of Bath DClinPsy training community

Thursday 13th July 2023

9.15-9.45 Refreshments and Networking

9.45-10.30 Welcome from the Programme

Overview of Programme EDI Objectives and the story so far: Talking Whiteness: Anti-racism training for staff and trainees, Admissions, Mentoring scheme and What about Us podcast

10.30-11.20 Stories of witnessing and experiencing racism/racial inequalities in the mental health system and beyond it with interactive work with the participants

11:20-11:45 Refreshments and Networking

11.45-12.30 Trainee led session

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14.30 How can we be allies for change workshop: a series of short plays about racial inequality, and role play exercises on how to do things differently

14:30-14:45 Short break

14.45-15.30 A spoken word and drums performance and discussion

15.30-15.45 Closing Remarks

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