Wales Data Nation Accelerator - Future Manufacturing and Systems Workshop

Wales Data Nation Accelerator - Future Manufacturing and Systems Workshop

Shaping the development of the Wales Data Nation Accelerator

By Cardiff, Swansea, Bangor& Aberystwyth Universities

Date and time

Wed, 7 Oct 2020 05:30 - 07:00 PDT



About this event

The Data Nation Accelerator is a pan-Wales initiative that is being developed to accelerate new insight, foresight and intelligence from diverse data assets for societal, health and economic impact. Through cocreation across business and other parties, the Wales Data Nation Accelerator seeks to fuel innovation in data and AI for new solutions, products and applications in key industrial clusters and public services, while also enriching the talent pool of skills in Wales for data science and AI.

The Wales Data Nation Accelerator team across Wales is currently working with a range of private, public and third sector organisations to help shape and co-create a programme of most benefit to Wales and beyond. We welcome engagement from potential stakeholders to help explore and shape opportunities around this initiative.

The Wales Data Nation Accelerator is conducting a series of stakeholder engagement workshops aligned to the themes of health and well-being, future manufacturing and systems, creative industries and professional services, net-zero and the environment, and public services. The workshops will provide an overview of the project and will give an opportunity to engage stakeholders in shaping the development of the Wales Data Nation Accelerator and its priorities.

We cordially invite you to join the workshop on Future Manufacturing and Systems on Wednesday 07th October 1.30pm – 3:00pm.

Further sessions are scheduled for other themes. Please register below to secure a place on one of these sessions:

Contact info: Further information, including agenda and speakers, to follow. In the meantime, should you have any queries, please direct them to the pan Wales Data Nation Accelerator Team by email at:

Disclaimer: Please note, on behalf of the Universities of Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea, your data will be held in accordance with the terms of the following privacy statement -

This workshop is hosted as a Zoom meeting and joining instructions will be sent out closer to the event.

Mae'r Cyflymydd Cenedl Ddata yn fenter ar gyfer Cymru gyfan. Ei nod yw cyflymu’r broses o ddysgu, rhagweld a deall gwybodaeth gan asedau data amrywiol er mwyn cael effaith ar gymdeithas, iechyd a’r economi. Drwy gyd-greu ar draws busnesau a phartïon eraill, nod Cyflymydd Cenedl Ddata Cymru yw ysgogi arloesedd o ran data a deallusrwydd artiffisial er mwyn creu datrysiadau, cynnyrch a rhaglenni newydd mewn clystyrau diwydiannol a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus allweddol. Mae hefyd am geisio cyfoethogi’r gronfa dalent o sgiliau yng Nghymru ym meysydd gwyddorau data a deallusrwydd artiffisial.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r tîm Cyflymydd Cenedl Ddata Cymru ym mhob rhan o'r wlad yn gweithio gydag ystod o sefydliadau yn y sector preifat, cyhoeddus a’r trydydd sector i helpu i ffurfio a chyd-greu rhaglen fydd o’r budd mwyaf i Gymru a’r tu hwnt. Rydym yn croesawu ymgysylltiad gan randdeiliaid posibl er mwyn helpu i edrych ar y cyfleoedd sy’n gysylltiedig â’r fenter hon, a’u llywio.

Mae Cyflymydd Cenedl Ddata Cymru yn cynnal cyfres o weithdai ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid sy'n cyd-fynd â themâu iechyd a lles, gweithgynhyrchu a systemau yn y dyfodol, sero net a'r amgylchedd, diwydiannau creadigol a gwasanaethau proffesiynol, a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Bydd y gweithdai'n rhoi trosolwg o'r prosiect ac yn rhoi cyfle i gynnwys rhanddeiliaid yn y gwaith o lywio datblygiad Cyflymydd Cenedl Ddata Cymru a'i flaenoriaethau. Hoffem eich gwahodd i ymuno â'r gweithdy ar Weithgynhyrchu a Systemau'r Dyfodol ddydd Mercher 07 Hydref 1.30pm – 3:00pm.

Manylion cyswllt: Bydd rhagor o wybodaeth, gan gynnwys agenda a siaradwyr, i ddod maes o law. Yn y cyfamser, os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch â'r tîm Cyflymydd Cenedl Ddata sy'n gweithio ledled Cymru, drwy ebostio:

Ymwadiad: Sylwer, ar ran Prifysgolion Aberystwyth, Bangor, Caerdydd ac Abertawe, bydd eich data'n cael ei gadw'n unol â thelerau'r datganiad preifatrwydd canlynol -

Cynhelir y gweithdy hwn fel cyfarfod Zoom a chaiff cyfarwyddiadau ymuno eu hanfon yn nes at amser y digwyddiad.

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