Flexible working support: a programme for Multi-Academy Trusts and Schools

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About the programme

Capita, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), are delivering a programme to promote flexible working practices in Multi-Academy Trusts and schools, which includes a series of free training and support webinars.

Webinar and resource topics will include, amongst others, implementing flexible working, best practice and case studies, diversity in the workforce and co‑leadership and job sharing.

Important changes from 6 April to flexible working legislation, login to find out more

Alongside our partner Flexible Teacher Talent, and in partnership with Flexible Working Ambassador Multi-Academy Trusts and Schools (FWAMS), we are delivering a programme to support schools to adopt flexible working.

The programme will support school leaders to design flexible roles, adopt a proactive approach and navigate the challenges flexible working can pose in schools.

The programme will increase awareness of the benefits of flexible working and the full range of flexible working practices available, which can include part-time working, job sharing, home or remote working, phased retirement and personal/family days.

Flexible Working Ambassador Multi-Academy Trusts and Schools (FWAMS) have been appointed by the DfE to provide bespoke peer support to school leaders to assist them to establish a culture of flexible working in their schools. 

Find out more

Future courses and recordings

Identifying and communicating a vision for flexible working
Join us for this one-hour panel event, which aims to support you in defining and creating a vision for implementing flexible working. We’ll explore the drivers and priorities for change, as well as how to effectively communicate this vision to colleagues to encourage buy-in.
School, Trust Leaders, HR and Business Leaders
Book course
Leading Flex for HR and School Business Managers
This one hour session aims to help you to develop your understanding of flexible working in MATs and schools by exploring what it can look like and what the benefits are. Practical advice will be provided on handling flexible working requests, using flexible working opportunities in recruitment and managing those working flexibly. This will include looking at flexible working policies, legislation and statutory guidance. We will consider job adverts and recruitment processes, and we will discuss scenarios that may come up when managing MAT and school staff who are working flexibly.
HR and School Buisness Managers
Book course
New flex legislation – are you ready?
Understand the new Flexible Working Act and how schools can prepare for the changes.

The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act will soon introduce new requirements for employers. Secondary legislation is planned that will allow employees to request flexible working from the start of their employment. This means that schools will need to adjust hiring practices and reconsider how flexible working requests are managed.

As well as introducing the new legislation, we will discuss its importance, the types of flexibility covered under the legislation, what it means for you, how you can prepare and action planning.
Headteachers, Business Managers, HR Leaders, Governors, Trustees
Flexible working and the menopause
This session will help to build your understanding of flexible working in schools in relation to the menopause. The different ways of working flexibly beyond part-time working will be covered.

The need to work flexibly is something that we are all likely to need at some point in our working lives and this webinar will highlight this, alongside reducing the stigma around the menopause.

Support for women in managing their menopausal symptoms, as part of supporting teacher retention in mid-life, will be discussed.

This webinar is aimed at those who are/will experience menopause and those who manage/employ.
Teachers, school senior leaders, school HR professionals
Making a flexible working request (flexible returns)
Are you currently on maternity, adoption or shared parental leave and thinking about making a flexible working request? If so, this is the perfect session for you. Join us for this session to learn about your legal entitlements, current best practice and how to prepare to negotiate to find a flexible working pattern that mutually benefits both you and your school.

This webinar will be particularly helpful for teachers currently on maternity, adoption or shared parental leave. It may also be of interest to teachers who have taken any period of extended leave, or teachers who are making a flexible working request but are currently back at work.
Teachers with an interest in making a flexible working request.
The benefits of flexible working in alternative provision
Join us for this session where we will be exploring the benefits of flexible working for staff recruitment, retention and well-being especially when working in challenging environments.

This webinar will be particularly useful for school leaders, business/HR leaders and governors/trustees in alternative provision contexts, however anyone with an interest in this session is welcome to attend.
School leaders, Business/HR leaders, Governers/Trustees in AP co
Flexible job design: how to make flexible working the default
This workshop will detail how to provide a flexible job design process that enables all staff to flex without affecting their pay. By the end of the session, leaders will have a clear, workable process that can both meet the needs of staff and the operational running of the school.
School leaders, Business/HR leaders, Governers/Trustees
Communicating the benefits of flexible working to stakeholders working within a SEND school environment
This session aims to explain how flexible working can be communicated to all stakeholders within a SEND school environment. There are two guest speakers from Nexus Multi-Academy Trust's senior leadership team, providing insights into the role of the Trust in facilitating flexible working and exploring the importance of communication with employees and parents.

This session will be particularly useful for leaders in special schools and multi-academy trusts, however anyone with an interest in this area is welcome to attend.
School leaders, Business/HR leaders, Governors/Trustees in an SE
Applying for leadership roles as a job-share
Flexible working takes many forms including job-sharing. Flexibility is one of the advantages of job-sharing. However, other key advantages include improved judgment, a broader skill-set, more capacity and a more sustainable role. This webinar looks at how to find a job-share partner, obtain a job-share role and make this role work for yourself, the school and all stakeholders.

This webinar will be of particular interest to teachers and senior leaders who aspire to a job-share role including headship. It will also be useful for governors and school leaders who are looking to recruit and retain strong teachers and leaders.
Teachers, School Leaders, Governors

Supporting resources

Thought piece - A consideration of the Timelines inherent in flexible working requests
A consideration of the Timelines inherent in flexible working requests by John Faulconbridge
Thought piece - Preparing for changes to the flexible working legislation (Podcast)
In this podcast, Michelle Gabriel (Head of HR in Capita’s People Partnering team) and Jenny Arrowsmith (Employment Partner at national law firm Irwin Mitchell) delve into the upcoming changes to flexible working legislation set to take effect from 6th April 2024. Employers and employees alike need to be aware of these changes and understand their implications.
Thought piece - Flexible working: let’s jump through the looking glass
In 2019, more than a quarter of senior leaders said that flexible working requests had been declined in their schools and in the DfE's Working Lives of Teachers Survey, a minority of teachers and leaders (33%) agreed that flexible working was compatible with a career in teaching. Warren Carratt; CEO of Nexus Multi Academy Trust examines how flexible working in schools can meet the needs and expectations of pupils, parents, and school staff.
Flexible working in our school (DfE blog)
Emily Crow, deputy director at London South Teaching School Hub, shares Charles Dickens’ approach to flexible working and her experience of the benefits it has brought to the school community.
Thought piece - Embracing flexible working at secondary level (SecEd blog)
A blog by Neil Renton (headteacher) discussing how his own mindset, regarding flexible working, has evolved.
Flexible working legislation changes from 6 April 2024
From 6 April 2024, employees will be able to request flexible working from their first day in a new job. From 6 April 2024, employers will need to make a decision within 2 months of getting the request. From 6 April 2024, employees will be able to make 2 applications for flexible working in any 12-month period.
Thought piece - Flexible Working Podcast
Flexible Working Programme podcast
Thought piece - Flexible working: how our trust is reaping the benefits (TES article)
The CEO of a flexible working ambassador MAT explains the changes it has made and the advantages of schools allowing more flexible working.

Register for free access to live webinars, workshops, on demand training, resources and to send questions directly to our flexible working experts.


This programme is funded by the Department for Education but this website should not be interpreted as Governmental policy. Please see here for Department for Education Policy.