Knife Children cover sneak peek

By artist Ron Miller, again. Hot off his electronic drawing board.

[image error]Image from Gyazo

The final-final-no-really-I-mean-it-stop-hah! edit is still in process, but it shouldn't be much longer. I still need to devise vendor-page ad copy that is informative without being spoilerific without edging into downright secrecy, which is a tricky balance.

Ta, L.
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Published on January 15, 2019 13:20
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message 1: by Howard (new)

Howard Brazee Nice!

message 2: by Melinda (new)

Melinda Schmidbauer I have retrieved my copies of the other books in the series to re-read in anticipation!

message 3: by Soo (new)

Soo I am excited!

message 4: by Margaret (new)

Margaret Definitely looking forward to a new story in the Sharing Knife universe!

message 5: by Dorothy (new)

Dorothy I Like it! Can't wait!

message 6: by Jerri (new)

Jerri Looking forward to it. Having listened to all 4 Sharing Knife novels in 2018, (having previously read them all 3 or so times) I just read the last two the first week of January, to have the world and Barr freshened in my memory.

message 7: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Gaffney Glad to hear it :) and now I'll start re-reading the previous entries so I'll remember what's going on ;)

message 8: by Gary (new)

Gary Jordan I've talked it up on Jennifer Crusie's Argh Ink blog, finding that many Crusie fans are Bujold fans as well. Crusie is just finishing a novel, trying to trim it from 135,000 words back down to 110,000. I mentioned that semi-retired authors are experimenting with self-publishing, which doesn't come with word count limits.

I am practicing patience. (I need the practice - I still don't do it very well.)

message 9: by J.M. (new)

J.M. Ney-Grimm Ready to click that buy button! :D

message 10: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth McCoy **SQUEE**

message 11: by Lois (new)

Lois Rasmussen Nice Job Ron Miller, so pleased you wrote another in that universe...well feel free to please me with all your worlds clever Lois McMaster Bujold

message 12: by Ron (new)

Ron Miller Lois wrote: "Nice Job Ron Miller, so pleased you wrote another in that universe...well feel free to please me with all your worlds clever Lois McMaster Bujold"

Thanks! It's always a pleasure to do something for Lois.

message 13: by Jo (new)

Jo I'm SO glad it's by the same artist. I love the original covers!

message 14: by Ron (new)

Ron Miller Jo wrote: "I'm SO glad it's by the same artist. I love the original covers!"

I blush!

message 15: by Diane (new)

Diane I've reread Dag and Fawn's tetralogy so often, I kind of have bits memorized! I can hardly wait for another story in this world, whatever it is!

message 16: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Liska Hot damn! I love this world!

message 17: by J.M. (new)

J.M. Ney-Grimm Diane wrote: "I've reread Dag and Fawn's tetralogy so often, I kind of have bits memorized! I can hardly wait for another story in this world, whatever it is!"

I re-read Dag’s and Fawn's story often also! :D

message 18: by Micki (new)

Micki Well, now that I know Ron's done the cover, I am very interested in what that font choice is saying! It reminds me of an era of crumbled parchments, or possibly treasure maps. (-: I can't wait to find if any of my subconscious promptings are actually right! (Love the embroidery on the sleeves, too.)

message 19: by Ron (new)

Ron Miller Micki wrote: "Well, now that I know Ron's done the cover, I am very interested in what that font choice is saying! It reminds me of an era of crumbled parchments, or possibly treasure maps. (-: I can't wait to f..."

I will tell you that it took many hours to zero in on the right typeface...and even at that I did some work by hand on it.

message 20: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Son How exciting! Just last week I finished re-listening to this series on audio book, so this came as a very pleasant surprise!

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