

We bring clarity to decision-makers in a world where health and healthcare is becoming increasingly complex. Through tackling the greatest challenges facing health systems from ageing populations and multimorbidity to the opportunities of new medicines and technologies, we aim to help shift health systems from importers of illness to exporters of health.

Our health and the challenges facing health systems are changing. The greatest threats are no longer single diseases, but the increasing numbers of people living in poor health for longer, the rise of multimorbidity, payment mechanisms that do not coalesce around patient health and the worsening inequalities in health and longevity.

Shifting health systems from importers of illness to exporters of health

Our work coalesces around developing tractable solutions to the three greatest challenges to global health systems and wider society:

  1. The health needs of patients and populations have become more complex and more personal – our analytics ensures the solutions are as personal as health is to each of us. Our real world evidence generation work brings state of the art health data science, epidemiological and health economic methods to address the evidence generation needs of new medicines and medical technology.
  2. We value health as an asset rather than counting the cost of illness and investing in health will be key in supporting individuals to live in good health for longer, and delivering sustainability for healthcare services. This is why our market access work captures the wider benefits of therapeutics and interventions alongside developing innovative reimbursement solutions that realigns the incentives of payers and providers to coalesce around patient and population health.
  3. Inequalities across patient groups and populations have persisted despite great advances in medicine and public health over recent decades. Our population health management analytics helps clients put patient value and inequalities at the centre of thinking and decision making through leveraging data from multiple sources, our cutting-edge analytics to provide actionable insights to effectively tackle this.

The greatest challenges facing patients and health systems are dynamic and our solutions must be too. Our technology specialists develop bespoke interactive and dynamic dashboards and heatmaps to provide ongoing decision support in an accessible and effective manner.

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Explore our solutions

We understand  that developing a comprehensive Real-World Evidence (RWE) strategy is not just a necessity, but a game-changer for life science companies. Leveraging our deep expertise, we help our clients develop holistic strategies that plan for all RWE needs across all stages of the medicine lifecycle.

Multimorbidity, living with two or more conditions is one of the biggest challenges facing patients and health systems today. We leverage real world datasets and innovative approaches to generate evidence that identifies patient groups with the greatest unmet needs in a more holistic manner that reflects the drivers of ill health.

We apply scientific rigour to evaluate the economic and clinical value of healthcare interventions using both traditional and innovative perspectives and methods.

Supporting our clients to achieve equitable health outcomes is a golden thread throughout our work. We combine our expertise to translate evidence into change and apply population health analytics to help reduce inequalities in health and health outcomes.

We integrate a wealth of health and health-related datasets and develop bespoke interactive visualisations to make it accessible and rapid for clients to glean insights across a range of areas.

Explore our publicly-available health dashboards to see how we take real world datasets and develop dynamic, interactive data visualisations.

Get in touch.

If you would like to know more about our services and how we can help you with health analytics get in touch.

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