Podcast Stats: How many podcasts are there?

Podcast industry data through the lens of Listen Notes, the best podcast search engine and database. There are at least 3,351,960 podcasts* and 196,621,819 episodes in the world.
* Other websites / apps may claim that they have way more than 3,351,960 podcasts in their database. This is because they inflate the number by including A LOT of 1) podcasts that were already deleted long time ago; 2) super low-quality podcasts (e.g., no episodes at all, only one 10-second episode in the RSS feed for testing, or machine-generated audio); 3) non-audio contents distributed via rss (e.g., RSS feeds with only PDF files, not audio). On the other hand, we deploy automatic scripts (24/7) and human moderators (daily) to clean up data. We try our best to minimize the number of such bad "podcasts" in our database.