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Accurate, up-to-date maps that offer the most convenient way to add detailed OS data to your application.


Take your analysis to the next level

If you're developing geospatial data visualisations or dashboards, OS Maps API can help take your analysis to the next level.

Get started easily & for free

Simple to set up and access backdrop mapping, with resources from OS Data Hub, up to £1,000 free premium data usage per month and free development mode for testing.

Up-to-date detailed mapping

No need to update or download the latest version - OS Maps API always provides the most up-to-date mapping in unrivalled detail, including OS MasterMap Topography Layer.

Beautiful cartography and styles

Choose from four beautifully styled map suites to fit your needs, from our iconic Leisure Maps to a more subtle Light style mapping.

Easy to use

Easy to use

OS Maps API is interoperable with most geospatial software; you can access the maps via OGC standard Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) or RESTful ZXY.

It can be used with all popular GIS software and web mapping libraries including Mapbox GL JS, Leaflet, OpenLayers and ArcGIS API for JavaScript. We have lots of online developer support to help you get started and find inspiration; from detailed documentation to copy and paste code examples.

How to get this product

Case studies

How location data saves both time and money for the National Library of Scotland

How location data saves both time and money for the National Library of Scotland

The raster tile service included in the OS Maps API provides the most up-to-date map tiles.

It can be integrated into web maps by a developer familiar with JavaScript and a few lines of code – often with no change to existing technical architecture.

Read the full case study

Faster access to healthcare assets for NHS London Healthy Urban Development Unit

Faster access to healthcare assets for NHS London Healthy Urban Development Unit

How location data helps the NHS London Healthy Urban Development Unit (NHS HUDU) make sure everyone has access to the healthcare they need.

NHS HUDU is using OS data including the OS Maps API to help produce detailed static mapping evidence to support health location planning, in conjunction with UPRN matching.

Read the full case study

Technical specification

Key FeaturesWhat this product offers


Data structure

Raster (256x256px @ 96dpi PNG tiles)​


From National to building-level​

Update Frequency​

OS MasterMap Topography Layer - six-weekly, 1: 25 000 Scale Colour Raster - quarterly, 1: 50 000 Scale Colour Raster - quarterly, OS Open Zoomstack - six-monthly, MiniScale - annually, 1: 250 000 Scale Colour Raster - annually


British National Grid (EPSG: 27700) and Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857)


99.9% uptime ​


Access via the OS Data Hub


Great Britain​