Covid infections are on the rise in Scotland.  You can help to keep yourself and your community safe by getting vaccinated.

We have been working with Public Health Scotland to provide accurate and accessible information about the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Together, we’ve created animated videos in a number of languages to help raise awareness about vaccination in refugee and migrant communities.

If you have concerns about getting vaccinated, watch the films below for clear and easy-to-understand facts about vaccination and how it benefits you and your community.








Jewels Lang, Communities Manager, Scottish Refugee Council: “Refugee and migrant communities in Scotland are disproportionally overrepresented both in hospitalisation and infection rates but are underrepresented in vaccine uptake. The reasons for the low take-up include a lack of understanding and misinformation.

“It is vital that information about the COVID-19 vaccine should be culturally appropriate, from sources and community languages of trust – this is why we made a series of these films with Public Health Scotland.

“Health literacy varies amongst communities in how information is interpreted and a lot of the reluctance is around the communication mediums used, that is why grass roots communication like this is essential.”


We have also worked together on a Statement of Facts about Covid-19, which has been translated into Arabic, Dari, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.

Please note that this information is correct as of May 2022.

معلومات عن لقاح كوفید-19 بلغات المجتمع: بیان الحقائق

معلومات واکسین کوید – ۱۹ بھ زبان ھای جامعھ : بیان حقایق

Informacje dotyczące COVID-19 w językach różnych społeczności: Fakty

Информация о вакцинации от COVID-19 на языках региона: изложение фактов

нформація про вакцинацію проти COVID-19 мовами національних меншин: стислий огляд







Laura Delaney
Author: Laura Delaney