
The Education & Training Foundation (ETF) has commissioned the ‘Centres for Excellence’ (CfE) at Derby, Norwich and Weston to provide expert training and advice for leaders, managers, and practitioners to help them identify and improve their strategic vision for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

RINA Consulting have been directed to investigate the effectiveness of these centres in building participant skills, and to determine the long-term impact they have on improving the outlook for learners with SEND. 

You have been invited to take part in this survey because you have participated in one or more of the sessions or activities organised by the CfEs.

The impact of COVID-19 has emphasised the importance of the work being done by the CfE; your participation in this survey is critical to the successful evaluation of the programme. 

Please take the time to complete this survey, which should take no longer than 15-30 minutes depending on the number of sessions or activities you have attended.

By clicking ‘next’ you provide us with your consent to use your data for our research. Please be assured that all your responses will be kept confidential. If at any point you decide not to take part, you are free to withdraw. You can do this by exiting the survey.

This survey is in two parts.

Part 1 will assess your engagement with the sessions or activities you attended, and the extent of your learning.

On completion of Part 1, you will be prompted to either continue to Part 2 or to leave the survey and resume it at a different time depending on how long it has been since you attended the sessions or activities.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.
2% of survey complete.