The Erasmus+ project “PELIARQ” (Promoting European-Levantine Internationalisation and Automatic Recognition of Qualifications) is being implemented by Ecctis Limited (UK ENIC) with partners UNIMED and MQRIC (NARIC Malta).  The project seeks to promote opportunities for internationalisation by European universities with the focus on the specific target countries in the Levant; and to promote improved recognition of qualifications and transparency around the education systems in Europe. For this project, the focus countries in the Levant are Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. 

The project will collate information from this survey as well as interviews and other sources, in order to develop guidance and support tools on internationalisation opportunities, and education systems in the region, for universities to use to improve engagement between Europe and the Levant.

This survey, which takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, seeks to collect information on what activities are already in place, and what plans Higher Education Institutions have to pursue collaboration between Europe and the Levant; as well as to look briefly at areas where further guidance on Levantine education systems and opportunities for internationalisation may be needed.  The project team are very grateful for your participation and look forward to sharing with you the outcomes of the project.

For any questions, please contact
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Please also consult our privacy notice regarding the use of personal data collected as part of this survey.