Australia plans coalfield the size of Britain in climate change U-turn

Concern over jobs in coal mining at sites such as Hunter Valley have taken precedence over climate fears in Australia
Concern over jobs in coal mining at sites such as Hunter Valley have taken precedence over climate fears in Australia

Climate change was supposed to have won the Labor Party the Australian election. But yesterday, after having been routed by voters, its panicked leaders backed the mining of a coalfield bigger than the UK.

Fearing a wipeout in state elections next year amid a rise in pro-coal workers and a rebellion against its plans to halve Australia’s carbon emissions, the Labor state government in Queensland accelerated its decision on 105,000 square miles of coal-rich outback land known as the Galilee Basin.

It came days after the party lost what was dubbed the “climate election” to the incumbent centre-right, pro-coal government of Scott Morrison, suffering the most damage — with swings of up to 20 per cent — in the coal country of central Queensland