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Schools to get coronavirus testing squads to help them stay open

New testing machines that provide results in 90 minutes should allow schools to find cases more effectively, Matt Hancock said
New testing machines that provide results in 90 minutes should allow schools to find cases more effectively, Matt Hancock said

Testing squads will be sent to schools in areas of high infection to try to keep them open even during local lockdowns.

Regular checks for pupils and teachers with no symptoms in hotspot areas are being considered as ministers hope to use on-the-spot testing machines to help douse local flare-ups.

Matt Hancock, the health secretary, said that technology that gave results in 90 minutes would allow much more widespread testing in schools to hunt down and control the virus. Scientists have warned that without a significant improvement in the test-and-trace system the reopening of schools in September risks restarting the pandemic.

If Britain is going to prevent a second wave in the autumn and send children back to school, then a new study estimates