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KNOW aims to deliver transformative research and capacity for innovation in policy and planning that will promote urban equality. This will be implemented through six Work Packages (WPs).  


Work Packages 1-2 co-produce city-based knowledge and capacity related to urban equality in nine DAC-list countries, and undertake comparative inquiry to strengthen knowledge to track the Sustainable Development Goals  and the UN-Habitat 
New Urban Agenda. 


While Work Package 1 focuses on city knowledge co-production, Work Package 2 links the city-based research agenda with contemporary debates on global urbanism and explores the themes of prosperity, resilience and extreme poverty comparatively across the city cases.


Work Packages 3-6 build on the situated research of Work Packages 1 and 2, to strengthen the impact of Official Development Assistance (ODA) research, urban policy and planning, and urban planning education in KNOW partner countries and the UK. 

This includes the ethics of research practice; translating research into policy and planning practice; multiplying translocal learning and education of urban researchers both in DAC-list countries and the UK; and examining UK ODA; and building UK ODA research capacity on urban equality.

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