Teleconference, 2018.05.02, 13-14 pm CET

From Ontology-Lexica Community Group


Present: Ilan Kernerman, Lupe Aguado, Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini, Jesse de Does, Julia Bosque-Gil.

[1:19:36 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Fahad - references to examples, or context of examples, usually of senses. Usually citations. Sometimes, within a sense, a usage example refering back to literatura, and a description of that example. sometimes examples are reconstructed text

[1:20:14 PM] Francesca Frontini:;s=1537535760;r=2;nat=;sol=0;

[1:23:00 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Fahad - work on a class Attestation to point to a reference in a corpus

[1:25:05 PM] katrien.depuydt: Sorry, not available today !

[1:25:20 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: ok! we'll upload the minutes :)

[1:27:07 PM] Francesca Frontini: Ok for me

[1:27:31 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: new issue for Attestation

[1:27:48 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: also in relation to the etymology module

[1:29:56 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: [we are discussing issue 4]

[1:32:14 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Ilan: - it's becoming more common to show users raw examples from the corpora

[1:34:23 PM] Francesca Frontini: how about bilingual dictionaries? like english-french….?

[1:40:46 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Jesse - Reference to corpus too (attestation case)

[1:41:09 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Jesse : domain, register, etc. would apply to the corpus

[1:59:07 PM] Francesca Frontini: we lost you julia

[1:59:17 PM] Francesca Frontini: or at least i can’t hear you any more

[2:01:21 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Francesca - what about ontolex:geographicalUsage?

[2:05:01 PM] Francesca Frontini: ok

[2:05:25 PM] Francesca Frontini: I have to go now (wave)

[2:05:45 PM] *** Call ended, duration 53:05 ***

Summary of the call:

[2:27:16 PM] Julia Bosque-Gil: Summary of the call (05.02.18). 13.10h - 14h. Ilan Kernerman, Lupe Aguado, Fahad Khan, Francesca Frontini, Jesse de Does, Julia Bosque. We discussed issue 4, usageE examples, and issue 5, geographical information. Issue 4: there are many cases in which we need to describe an example, specially if there are no pointers to a corpus. There seems to be agreement on the need of a class Usage Example. When we do have reference to a corpus and a scholarly dictionary, we are dealing with attestations, which are to be treated differently than usage examples, and which are also used for a different purpose (e.g. usage examples for learning a language vs. attestations for studying lexical semantic shift). The ExampleCluster class will be revisted, it was suggested to act as a "container" of examples that are translations of each other. To-do (Julia): open new new issue for the Attestation case. (All) Revisit "ExampleCluster" in a future telco. Issue 5: Geographical usage can be viewed as any other usage restriction and treated accordingly. ontolex:usage would be enough here, but we could have a geographicalUsage property at the sense/entry/form level that would help in querying the dictionary. Even though written representations do have a language tag with geographical information, we depend on the existance of tags for dialects, regions, etc. With the case of lexical forms, this property would allows us to give more granularity to what is already stated at the language tag level (and it's also a way of tackling the lack of language tags for some dialects). To-do in a future telco: suggest ontolex:geographicalUsage and, if agreed on, close issue 5. Issues 1 and 3, which are controversial, were not addressed today.