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Do you belong to an intergovernmental organization, a national, local or municipal government, the private sector, a scientific organization, academia, a non-governmental organization (including one representing indigenous and traditional communities, spiritual and religious groups, women or the youth), the mass media? Does your organization, department or unit work specifically on climate change adaptation and/or resilience? Would your organization be interested in knowing more about adaptation and resilience to better support climate action?

 Join the NWP!

 As a partner to the NWP, you will be part of a community of over 300 adaptation policy-makers, practitioners and researchers, with whom you will have the possibility to exchange and collaborate. You will be kept abreast of the latest developments on adaptation under the UNFCCC through the eUpdate newsletter. You will also have the opportunity to interact in our thematic online forums, and with county delegates during the annual Focal Point Forums of the NWP that take place in conjunction with the COPs.

 As a partner to the NWP, you will play a major part in facilitating adaptation planning and action worldwide. The experience and/or research you will share in the form of action pledges, case studies, tools/methods or knowledge resources, will be made directly available on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal. By responding to our calls for submissions, you will also contribute to informing the work of the Parties on adaptation, in the framework of the UNFCCC process.

Details about your organization


Type of organization

Choose the type of your organization:

Regional scope of the adaptation-related activities

Chose the most relevant regional scope(s) of activity of your organization:

Adaptation sector/theme

Choose the most relevant adaptation sector/theme(s) of your organization:

Adaptation element

Choose the most relevant adaptation element(s) of activity of your organization:

Climatic hazards addressed

Choose the most relevant climatic hazard(s) addressed by your organization:

Main NWP Focal Point

Back-up NWP Focal Point


Allow sharing of contact details with other partners?

Your organization name, name and email address will be shared only with other NWP partners upon request.